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The Grace Perspective 2020 

The Grace Perspective is excepts transcribed from Don's comments during sessions with groups and individuals, and may need more context for better understanding.

Week 53

Jesus did not have a personal need for status, to win, or to be prosperous, but came into the world in order to rescue us from the brokenness that came upon us because of Adam’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden.

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Our experience of Christ alone, living his Life in and through us, enables us to manifest him to others.

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The most hated Book in the world is also the most dearly loved by those who are renewed in their experience of Christ each day.

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No power on Earth, not conservative government, a booming economy, personal wealth, or even religion (religious posturing), has power to heal our brokenness or to prevail against evil in the world. Christ alone, living his Life in and through us in the coming New Year, has power to heal and make happy.

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We ask for love, God gives us Christ. We ask for joy, God gives us Christ. We ask for peace, God gives us Christ. God does not give love, joy, and peace, but the Seed for us to receive that produces them.

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Our best hope for health and happiness in the New Year is to open our heart to receive God’s Plan for our life.

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The Lord is watching us (Proverbs 5:21), but mostly he is watching over us (Psalm 1:6).

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Week 52

Every day God renews his Call within us to hear and experience him by the Holy Spirit through the Scripture so that we are supported for living out his Will for our life without wavering.

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The best gift we can give others is a healthy us.

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Gifts at Christmas to meet fun needs will soon disappoint and be forgotten, but gifts that support us for making wise choice that increase us in health and holiness will keep on giving throughout the year.

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God expresses his Love for us by giving; we express our Love for him by receiving.

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Hearing about Christ is surpassed by our experience of him in our heart during our quiet time worship.

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Hustle and bustle is shut down in America on Christmas Day, like Sunday was 50 years ago.

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Our celebration of God’s Gift of Christ begins (not ends) on Christmas Day – the same as we celebrate the birth of a child more than we do the expectancy.

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Week 51

Pleading with God to give us good outcomes apart from our experience of Christ to live his Life in and through us is nonsense – the same as pleading with God to satisfy our hunger and thirst without eating the food and drinking the water he provides.

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Christ came into the world, not to be served, but in order to make possible our salvation 

  • for going to Heaven (justification) and also
  • to establish us in health, holiness, and happiness (sanctification).

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Grace Resources do not support us for working on our self but for learning how to experience Christ who works within us to make us useful to God as vessels for his Redemptive Work in the world 

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During the Christmas Season, we celebrate God’s Gift of Christ to us, not by giving gifts to him (except ourself), but by giving gifts to others that support them for making wise choices that increase health, including holiness (purity and usefulness to God for his Redemptive Work in the world).

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Scriptural obedience is not giving sacrificially to others out of our brokenness but receiving support from God for our healing.

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Health, happiness, and holiness (Christlikeness) do not maintain themselves, but are renewed in us each day by our experience of Christ.

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Darkness cannot prevail in the world except in the absence of Christ living his Life in and through the Body of Christ to manifest his Light.

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Week 50

Sacrificial giving to the church is a religious hoax.

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We do not give to God, except ourself (an open heart), but receive from him support we give to others.

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We do not sell support we have been freely given.

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God communicates Truth to us by the Holy Spirit and then calls us to open our heart to the Scripture each day in order to receive/hear it.

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We do not teach Truth but share with others Truth the Holy Spirit teaches us.

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We receive from God, not salvation, but Christ, his Blood/death and Resurrected Life – the same as we receive, not hydration, but water. There is a difference.

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We glorify God, not by applauding him (“Give God a praise!” says the tv preacher), but by manifesting the Likeness of Christ into a dark world.

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Week 49

We are supported for good health by a strong immune system – which means, we don’t really catch colds; rather, they catch us.

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Christ, living his Life within us, fixes what’s wrong in our heart (mind, emotions, and will) so that we are made right.

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God identifies for us the wise choice we should make and calls us to the resources that support us for making them.

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We can receive from God only what he gives.

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God prepares us in advance for the work he calls us to do (Ephesians 2:9-10).

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Every good outcome for our life begins with our experience of Christ - his Resurrected Life to live within our heart.

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Evil plots, schemes, and scams; God provides, serves, and supports.

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Week 48

Our experience of Heaven, both here and when there, will be clean, safe, and beautiful.

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God does not circumvent the outcome of our wrong choices, but makes certain the blessings of health and happiness to all who receive his Provisions of Grace for our healing.

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God gives us ears to hear Truth and raises up ministries through whom he communicates it.

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God accomplishes his Redemptive Plan in the world through surrendered vessels.

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The humble vessel is much when God uses it.

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We cannot rescue people who reject God’s Provisions for their healing.

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No sin can prevail against God’s Provisions for our healing, except the sin of rejection.

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Week 47

Our experience of Heaven begins in this life when we give Christ opportunity to live within our heart.

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Support from God to meet our needs flows unconditionally from him to the door of our heart for us to receive.

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We will have better by receiving what God provides to meet our needs than by striving for what we think we want.

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We are not followers of Christ trying to be like him, but vessels through whom he lives to manifest his Likeness into the world.

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We do not work for God; rather he works in us and through us to accomplish his Redemptive Purpose in the world.

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We do not serve God; rather, he serves us and others through us.

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Religious performance to earn God’s “blessings” will have a disappointing outcome and will also break our health.

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Week 46

We don’t lose time to read the Scripture in the morning, but gain strength to support increased productivity during our day.

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Knowledge of information is not the same as Conviction of Truth produced in us by the Holy Spirit during our quiet time to read the Scripture.

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Information (reading books) increases our knowledge (gnosis) about God, but our experience (epignosis) of Christ increases our Conviction of Truth.

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Rules and Regulations to enforce good behavior are for broken people living in a broken world. In Heaven, Rules and Regulations are not needed - both when there and because of our experience of it now within our heart.

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We vote either 1) to protect our addictions or 2) to protect our freedoms to make choices that increase health.

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We grieve more for the absence of Christ in the Church than for the presence of socialism in America.

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Righteousness in the Church is a blessing to a nation; but evil in the world is a curse. 

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Week 45

Before the beginning of time, God chose to give us Life by sowing his Life (Christ) into us (John 1: 4; Romans 5:17; Ephesians 1:4; James 1:17-18) so that we reign in health and happiness and holiness (Christlikeness and usefulness to God as vessels for his Redemptive Work in the world).

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We can know that the choices we make are from God because they result in health, holiness, and happiness.

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Family and friends support our need to feel valuable. Our experience of Christ during our quiet time worship supports our greatest need for confidence that we are unconditionally valued by God.

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The capacity we are born with to love others is conditional (give-and-take love). Christ’s Love in us for others is unconditional, not based upon who they are, but upon who Christ is in us.

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We are grieved today by America's rejection of President Trump, God's gift to America, surpassed only by the Church's rejection of God's Gift of Christ (his Resurrected Life) to live within our heart for our Sanctification.

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Resource supports in the world may change “like shifting shadows” but God does not change (James 1: 17).

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Socialism in America advances the conditions (rejection of Truth) that will exist on the Earth when Christ returns at the end of the Church Age to rapture the Church.

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Week 44

God accomplishes his purpose in the world through the Laws he ordained to govern creation, including the Law of Sowing and Reaping (Cause and Effect).

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We are not controlled by God like puppets on a string but as vessels through whom Christ lives to manifest his Light/Likeness (his Glory) into a dark world.

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Mankind was created in the Image of God but we fell into darkness when Adam disobeyed in the Garden of Eden. God’s Light is restored in man when we (our spirit) is Born Again. Also, we once again begin to manifest God’s Image as we (our heart/soul: mind, emotions, and will) experience Christ (his Resurrected Life) during our quiet time worship.

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Our inborn need for significance is met by our experience of Christ, living his Life in and through us, so that we do not need to chase after the approval of the world

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The solution to every problem a Christian has begins with learning how to be renewed each day by our experience of Christ (2 Peter 1:3-4).

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Every choice we make that is enabled by Christ will be redemptive – that is, it will support our health, holiness, and happiness.

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We are motivated for the choices we make either by the ruler of the kingdom of the air (the god of this world) or by Christ living his Life in and through us.

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Week 43

At the Place of Exchange (Prayer), we receive Provisions from God which establish us in health and happiness (including holiness).

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God’s Provisions fully satisfy our heart so that we are not bored or need fun and entertainment to ease the pain of our unhappiness. 

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The pleasures of sin last only for a season, but the Water of Life from the Well of God’s Provisions runs deep and fully satisfies.

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God does not have a set time to “call us home.” Our length of time on Earth is the result of our obedience to receive God’s Provisions of Grace into our life which support health and long life (Romans 5:17).

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Christ alone, living his Life within us, is our certain hope for holiness (Colossians 1:27). Performance Christianity (churchianity), motivated by religious rules, the expectation of others, guilt (because of all Christ has done for us), fear (of God’s judgment), and pride (desire to be a Champion for Christ) will wear us out.

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We should not expect to be happy clappy in Heaven (because we are bored), but to be in deep awe of Christ 

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The burdens we bear, because of

  • the weakness of our will,
  • the willfulness of our ways,
  • the weight of our work,
  • the worry in our mind,
  • the waywardness of our children,
  • the wickedness in our heart, and
  • the warring in the world,

are lifted at Calvary, by our experience of Christ.

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Week 42

Evil wages violent war against righteousness. We wage war against evil when we take time each day to read the Scripture in order to hear and experience Christ in order to manifest his Presence into a dark world.

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Eternal Life is God’s Gift to everyone who trusts Christ’s death on the cross as the only Payment he will accept to satisfy his Judgment against the human race because of Adam’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden.

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We don’t do God’s Will; rather he accomplishes his Will in and through us – this so that no one can boast.

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We don’t do God’s work; rather he does his Work in and through us

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God calls us to take care of our health and our family and then to trust him to take care of his Work - this so that we don’t become so busy doing good that we lose our home and ministry.

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We connect to others who are a Resource to us (to support our Redemptive needs) or to whom we are a Resource.

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A codependency relationship is two broken people using each other for superficial pain relief.

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Week 41

We hear sounds with our natural ears but understand Truth with spiritual ears (understanding) which God gives us (1 Corinthians 2:9-10; Ephesians 1:7,8,18; 2 Timothy 4:3; Matthew 11:15).

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Giving is for healthy people. Receiving is for broken people.

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The giving God calls broken people to is to give them self, to open the door of their heart to receive his Provisions of Grace, beginning with Christ (Romans 5:17; 2 Corinthians 8:5).

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We don’t give our way to health, we receive our way to health.

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The best gift we can give to our wife, children, and church is a healthy husband, parent, and pastor.

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God gives us Eternal Life (John 3:16) and secures it by his Power (1 Peter 1:5) so that we cannot lose it. God also gives us Provisions of Grace to support our good health (Romans 5:17) and calls us to maintain it lest we lose it (Galatians 6:7-8; Romans 8:12-13).

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Someone else will always have nicer things than we do, but no one can have a better God

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Week 40

We do not teach Truth to others but share Truth with them which God is teaching us.

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Americans vote either to protect their immoral lifestyles or to protect the Scriptural values of our Founding Fathers 

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Wishful thinking is not the same as conviction of Truth (faith) produced in us by the Holy Spirit.

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Our experience to be filled with the Presence of Christ living within our heart (mind, emotions, and will) has power to sustain us in health and happiness (Colossians 1:27; 2 Peter 1:3-4) so that we are not left with only our feel good, happy clappy experiences at church to support us.

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The Life of Christ living within us is “like the working of God’s mighty power which he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead” (Ephesians 1:19-20).

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Christ (God’s Power) is always at work within everyone who opens the door of their heart to receive it (Romans 8:28; Ephesians 1:19).

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Prayer is not hard work which we do (a performance), but the work which the Holy Spirit does in, through, and for us (Romans 8:26).

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Week 39

We are not made holy by reading the Scripture (the Written Word), but by our experience of Christ (the Living Word).

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We do not really die to sin; rather, Christ, living his Life within us, puts sin within us to death.

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We do not love others as Christ does; rather, we experience his Love in us for them.

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Worshipping God is not what we do but our experience of what Christ does.

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During out quiet time, God’s calls us first to make choices that increase our health, and then he calls us to connect to his Resources that support us for making those choices.

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Darkness is not really the result of the presence of evil in the world but of the absence of the Light of Christ in the Church.

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We do not give, but receive, our way to health per Matthew 11:28-30.

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Week 38

We’d rather be broken and have a solution for it than to be broken and not know it.

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God has no unmet need for us to make him happy. The goal of his care for us is to support us for making choices that result in our health (holiness) and happiness.

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The Holy Spirit does not interrogate or intimidate us but reasons with us to encourage us to make wise choices 

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We have Provisions from God to support our life, not because he wants us to have them, or because he has promised to give them to us, or because we want them or need them, or even because we ask (plead) for them, but because we take time each day to receive them.

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We have opportunity to receive Christ when he is at the door calling to us (knocking) per Revelation 3:20 – which he does during our quiet time to read the Scripture. (“Seek the Lord while he may be found.”– Isaiah 55:6)

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God created us with the capacity to experience the benefit of eating food and drinking water, of exercise and breathing oxygen, of relationship with family and friends, and also of intimacy in romance. He also created us with the capacity to experience him.

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God created one race and two genders; but after the fall of Adam, he separated mankind (Genesis 11:1-9) so that, while it remained two genders, it became divided by race, color, and nationality – each equally and unconditionally valued by God and for whom he gave his Son to die so that whoever trusts in him will not perish but be spiritually birthed into his family and have everlasting life.

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Week 37

God chooses per Galatians 6:9 for outcomes in our life to normatively be according to the seed we sow (choices we make). But he also chooses to intervene in the life of the weakest among us to protect us from adverse people and circumstances and also from making foolish choices that would destroy us.

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God produces in our heart “both the desire and strength to do according to his Will” (Philippians 2:13) so that we are not left with only religious rules and our best self-effort for strength to live the Christian life.

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As we take time to be renewed by our experience of Christ during our quiet-time worship each day, it increasingly becomes our confidence that he is right now, by the Might of his Power, at work within us to accomplish his Redemptive Purpose for our life (Romans 8:28; Ephesians 1:11, 19).

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Prayer of Faith: “Dear Lord, I open my heart to you again today to receive from you the Flow of your Life into my heart (per John 4:14) to renew me for Christlikeness and for the Redemptive Work you are doing through me in the world.”

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Whatever we need from God to support our health and happiness, we will need to be renewed in it everyday. (“Give us this day our daily bread” - Matthew 6:9-11. 

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We best express our love for God by opening the door of our heart to receive him, his Provisions of Grace, and also his leadership resources for our life.

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Husbands best express their love for their wife by giving her a healthy husband. Parents best express their love for their children by giving them a healthy mom and dad.

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Week 36

To know Christ in the Scriptural sense means more than to know (“gnosis”) who he is or to have information about him; rather, it means to experience him (“epignosis”) in the way we can experience water, food, sunshine, or oxygen (to be supported by them).

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Without our experience to be renewed by Christ each day, we are left exposed to the enmity of Satan, the world, and our fallen human nature.

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Self-righteousness is not thinking we are righteous but trying to be righteous without Christ.

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Our understanding of Truth is not supported by the books we read, but by the Work of the Holy Spirit to teach us during our quiet time each day as we read the Scripture.

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God is good, not because we possess the things we want that we think he has given us, but because he has provided for us to receive everything we need (Provisions of Grace) to support our health.

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The Mercy of God and the Grace of God are not the same. God’s Grace (Provisions of Grace) flows from his Mercy to provide a way for the outcome of our wrong choices to be forgiven (removed) and for us to be recovered to health.

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Grace does not give our wrong choices a pass, but supports us for making wise choices. Grace is one of the most misunderstood words in the Bible (along with the words glorify, praise, worship, faith, prayer, love, sin, and forgiveness).

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Week 35

As we are renewed by Christ each day during our quiet time to read the Scripture, we are increased in our confidence that, regardless of any adversity, God is right now at this time and in this place accomplishing his Redemptive Plan for our life 

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Christ alone, living his Life in and through us, has per to produce in us the Righteousness of God (1 Corinthians 1:30; Ephesians 3:20).

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Self righteousness is not thinking we are righteous but depending on our own strength to be righteous.

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One day without experiencing Christ makes one weak.

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The more we experience Christ, the more we are saddened by our brokenness and failures, but also, the more we are made happy by the Might of his Power to recover us. 

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Wellness is not the absence of sickness but the presence of God’s Provisions in our life to establish us in health.

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Our health is supported by what we include in our life that helps more than by what we exclude from our life that harms.

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Week 34

Bible study to learn what the Bible says is not the same as reading the Bible during our quiet-time in order to hear and experience Christ (worship).

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Bible study informs us, enlightens us, and delights us. Reading the Scripture during our early morning quiet time to experience Christ produces in us the 9-Fold Fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-34) and also Wisdom and Righteousness (1 Corinthians 1:30).

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Codependency is two broken people exchanging favors to make each other happy. Christ, living his Life in and through us, supports us to invest in the health needs of others in order to set them free and without expectation of return.

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We confess our brokenness because we have a Solution.

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The Solution to our brokenness is, not working on ourself, but Christ living within us.

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Light is powerful to dispel the darkness in a room but does not penetrate closed doors.

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Truth speaks quietly to open hearts and minds.

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Week 33

God gives us strength for our life, not because we “ask/beg” him for it, but because we open the door of our heart to Christ each day in order to be renewed by his Life (Revelation 3:20).

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The Heart of Christ living within us enables us to forgive (withhold punishment for offenses against us, and also to minister to the brokenness at the root of the offenses).

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The Heart of Christ within us supports us for what we say to broken and hurting people, and particularly how we say it.

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Christ lives his Life in us to support us for making choices that heal our brokenness, and lives his Life through us so that we are supported for investing in the Redemptive (health and healing) needs of others.

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We experience Christ, not through our membership in the local church, but by our immersion into spiritual union with him, and also by him living his Life in us.

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We will have the ultimate “Woke” experience when we get to Heaven to learn that what we thought was most important here on Earth (making money and having fun) was really only superficial.

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God’s foreknowledge is not causative. That means, God does not give us a number to die so that when it is up, like at the DMV, it will be our time. But we can determine for ourself when our time has come by stepping in front of a bus. Or, we can take time each day to receive God’s Provisions of Grace to support our health (diet, exercise, lifestyle, and supplementation) so that we can live to an old age (Romans 5:17).

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Week 32

God’s Life (his Provisions of Grace) will never diminish or disappoint but will always accomplish the purpose (health and happiness) for which he gives it (Isaiah 55:11; Romans 5:17; 2 Peter 1:3-4). “He himself will deliver us from all our troubles” (Psalms 130:8).

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Religious rule-keeping is not the same as experiencing Christ. The one wears us out and breaks us down (Matthew 11:28-30); the other builds us up and “gives us everything we need for life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3-4).

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We can not choose to have faith, or to love, or to have joy and peace, but only to open the door of our heart to experience Christ - the same as we cannot choose to be hydrated but only to drink water.

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Christ lives his Life

  • in us to heal our heart (Romans 8:11) and
  • through us to enable our Redemptive service to others (2 Corinthians 3:6). 

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The door of a good life swings on the hinges of a right theology.

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God communicates Truth to us through the Scripture and also opens the ears of our heart to hear it (Matthew 11:15; Ephesians 1:18) - so that our beliefs are not based upon foolish notions (1 Corinthians chapter 2).

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Our confession of brokenness, inadequacy, and need for God opens the door to him for the work he wants to do in, for, and through us.

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Week 31

There are three aspects of salvation:

  • the first, for which Christ died, is justification, a past, one-time event which we cannot lose;
  • the second, for which he was resurrected to live within us by the Holy Spirit, is sanctification, a present, ongoing process which we can lose, and
  • the third, for which he will return at the Rapture to resurrect us, is glorification, a future, one-time event which is certain.

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God justifies and reconciles to him everyone who trusts in the Blood/death of Christ on the cross as the only Payment he will accept to satisfy his Judgment against mankind because of “the one man’s (Adam’s) disobedience” in the Garden of Eden (Roman 5:12-19).

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Christ died for our sins – not “for” in the sense of “because of” our sinful behavior, but in the sense of “in order to” save us from the judgment against us because of Adam’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden (Romans 5 12-19).

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The Bible word “sin” can mean the behavior of sin (any choice we make that disregards God’s Provisions to meet our redemptive needs), or it can mean the condition of sin (our sinful nature), the root cause of the behavior of sin.

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Repentance (metanoia) is a noun, not a verb (what we do). It does not mean to give up our bad behavior, but is the “change of mind” produced in us by the Holy Spirit through the Scripture concerning Truth.

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The only behavior of sin we “give up” that is required for our justification and reconciliation to God (the first aspect of our salvation) so that we will go to Heaven is the sin of trusting in the “religious works which we have done” in order to have Eternal Life. 

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The choice to “give up or turn away from” the behavior of sin is Conversion (a 180 degree turn) – which is produced in us by Repentance (change of mind), which is produced in us by Faith (conviction of Truth), which is produced in us by the Holy Spirit through the Scripture.

“How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation” (Hebrews 2:3). 

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Week 30

Man runs from his salvation (John 5:40; Romans 7:14-25), but our experience of Christ transforms our desires so that we seek God (his Provisions of Grace to support our health).

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Our experience of Christ sanctifies our desires so that they are according to God’s Will.

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God provides for our needs, not to buy or control us, but to set us free.

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It is God’s Sovereign Plan for outcomes in our life to be the result of our choices according to his Law of Sowing and Reaping (Cause of Effect) per Galatians 6:7-9.

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We are in the world, but not of the world (John 15:19; 17:14-16).

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God meets our Redemptive needs through our connection to his Resources, beginning with Christ (Matthew 11:28-30; John 15:4-7).

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We can protect our health by shielding ourself from exposure to adverse elements. But mostly our health is protected by our connection to God’s Resources through which his Provisions flow into our life to support us.

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Week 29

Evil is never satisfied. Righteousness delights in God.

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Accommodating the demands of angry behavior will not help.

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Rules without relationship result in brokenness and rebellion.

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Our experience of Christ to be renewed in us daily is our only hope to be like him.

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Christ, living within us, enables us to Love the Father (his Person, his Presence, and his Provisions), and also ourself and others.

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Christ, living his Life in and through us, sets us free from panic, pride, perfectionism, and pettiness.

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We have from God what we take time to receive from him.

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Week 28

Christ lives his Life in us so that he can live his Life through us into a dark world.

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Obedience to God begins with “coming and receiving” his Provisions of Grace.

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We express our love for God by taking time each day to receive his Provisions of Grace to support us. 

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The world can fascinate and may fill, but can not satisfy or heal.

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It is not possible to have better than what Christ provides.

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We can ruin our health and finances chasing after fun trying to outrun our unhappiness.

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Christ makes us happy so that we are not left with only the world to manage our pain.

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Week 27

We can know that what we have is from God because it is redemptive (supports good health and happiness).

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Prayer is not trying hard (pleading, begging, and bargaining) to get from God what we want, but receiving his Provisions of Grace to meet our Redemptive (health) needs, beginning with Christ to live within our heart.

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Misbehavior is rooted in unmet nutritional needs, psychological needs (information, affection, and structure), and especially the need to experience Christ.

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God calls law enforcement to pound on bad behavior. He calls the Church to minister to the brokenness of hurting people.

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God hates sin, but speaks Truth in Love to sinners (1 Corinthians 13:6; Ephesians 4:15).

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Man is born with a heart prone to strife, discord, and hatred Galatians 5:19-21, but the heart of Christ living within us transforms us to love (value) every person unconditionally.

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In a broken world, leadership in the home, church, and government is imperfect. But Christ, living his life in and through us, perfects us so that we are increasingly made competent for the work he calls us to do (2 Corinthians 3:6).

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Week 26

We do not have from God what he gives but what we take time each day to receive from him.

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Good health is not a reward from God because of our religious performances to make him happy, but the sowing and reaping outcome of the wise choices we make each day for diet, exercise, lifestyle, and supplementation.

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Christ is “made unto us Wisdom from God” (1 Corinthians 1:30) and enables us to make wise choices.

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The moment we trust in Christ’s death on the cross for us as our only hope for going to Heaven, the Holy Spirit imparts God’s Life into our dead spirit (so that we are spiritually born again into the family of God). When we take extended time each day for reading the Scripture, confession of need, and quiet time worship (per John 15:4-5), the Holy Spirit imparts God’s Life into our heart/soul: mind, emotions, and will (so that we can be healed from our brokenness).

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The experience of our spirit to be born again is the basis for our going to Heaven. The experience of our heart (soul: mind, emotions, and will) to be filled with Christ is the basis of our health, happiness, and holiness.

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The born again experience of our spirit is a one-time event, but the experience of our heart (soul: mind, emotions, and will) to be renewed by the Resurrected Life of Christ each day per Ephesians 3:19 and 4:13 is an ongoing process.

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Fathers represent the Law (its giving and enforcement) in the home; mothers represent the Church for ministry to support obedience.

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Week 25

Fathers, husbands, and pastors celebrate Father’s Day (“Leadership Day”) by giving (support to those they serve). Children, wives, and members of the church celebrate Father’s Day by receiving (the support given).

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Satan enters the darkness to agitate and tear down in order to seize control, but Christ ministers Life into the brokenness, wherever it is found, in order to recover health.

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God will not deny Support for our healing, health, and happiness when we open the door of our heart to receive his Provisions of Grace (Psalms 138:3; Matthew 11:28-30; John 6:37; Romans 5:17).

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One person can open the door for the entrance of Christ into his or her life, also into a church, home, business, organization, community, or nation (Revelation 3:20).

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The sin that separates us from health and happiness is not our religious failure to behave like “good Christians,” but our neglect to receive God’s Provisions of Grace to support us (James 1:5-8; Hebrews 2:3; Romans 5:17).

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Evil is sustained during perilous times by hiding in the darkness. But we are sustained by remaining connected to Christ (John 15:5) in order to experience his Life - against which evil cannot prevail.

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Satan enters hurting people in order to do evil (to steal and destroy). But God enters hurting people in order to produce in them the Life of Christ so that they are supported for health and happiness.

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Week 24


It is the role of government to protect life and liberty, and the role of the Church to minister to the brokenness at the root of disorder.


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Anarchy can be the acting out of embedded evil, but always the result of unmet needs, especially of fatherless and motherless boys and girls.


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Ministry to broken behavior is patient and kind; but compromise with evil invites mores anger and disorder.


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The “unpardonable sin” (blasphemy) is the resolute rejection by a person of God’s Provisions of Grace (in Creation, Community, and especially Christ) to support their health – with the result that God gives them over to broken health and death (Matthew 12:31-32; Romans 1:24).


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“Forgiveness” by members of the Body of Christ, the Church (not government) means 1) to withhold punishment and 2) to minister to the brokenness at the core of the broken behavior, even if the offending person repeats the offense or does not apologize (Matthew 18:21-22).


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Asking God for forgiveness means to receive his Provisions for our healing. Asking others to forgive us means to receive their ministry support for our healing.


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Judgment preaching never helped anyone. Identifying bad behavior to condemn it to Hell does not support healing or recovery. Support to hurting people for learning how to experience Christ is alone the hope of ministry for broken people to be recovered (Colossians 1:27).


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Week 23


God meets our healing needs, beginning when we open the door of our heart during our quiet time in order to experience Christ (his Resurrected Life – Romans 8:11).


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Christ comes into our heart, not to control us, but to support us for making wise choices that set us free (1 Corinthians 1:30; John 8:36).


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Christ is King, but in this Age of Grace, he relates to us as a Husband to his Bride, to support our needs for health and happiness (Ephesians 5:22-33).


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Government is not the Church and its leaders are not pastors. God has ordained government as his agent to punish lawbreakers (Romans 13:1-5) and the Church to minister to the brokenness of hurting, angry people.


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Law enforcement, without the experience of a ministering Church to care for hurting people, feels like oppression.


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Protest by hurting people is not evil, but when brokenness is not ministered to by the Church, it opens the door to demonic influence.


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Enslavement breeds anger and hatred. But usefulness to God as a free vessel for his redemptive work in the world is a privilege and joy.


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Week 22


We don’t give to God; rather, he gives to us.


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We receive from God in order to be supported for giving to others (2 Corinthians 9:8).


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God expresses his Love for us by giving; we express our Love for him by receiving.


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God’s Provisions of Grace are effectual to support health and happiness for everyone who receives them.


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God created us, not because he was lonely and wanted to experience people, but because he wanted us to have the opportunity to experience him.


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We have opportunity in this life to experience Heaven on Earth (Matthew 6:10).


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Our experience of Christ is the greatest experience of our sanctified heart here now on Earth (Ephesians 3:16-19), the same as it will be the greatest experience of our glorified heart in Heaven.


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Week 21


God calls members of the Church to assemble together (Hebrews 10:25), not as a religious performance in order to win his favor, but for the purpose of

  • learning what the Bible says about God’s relationship to us and his Will for our life (instructions in righteousness), including for being a witness for Christ and sharing the Gospel with others - at home, in the Church, and in the community (Matthew 28:18-20),
  • fellowship (koinonia: “mutual burden bearing”) with other Christians,
  • singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19), but especially for the purpose of
  • receiving support for learning how to experience Christ each day in personal quiet-time worship (through reading the Scripture, confession of brokenness and need for God, and prayer).


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The word “prayer” means “place of exchange” where we exchange our will for God’s Will. The word “asking” in the Bible (Matthew 7:7) means to receive – the same as opening a door to someone means to invite them in (Revelation 3:20).


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God calls us to remain connected to him (“abide in him” per John 15:5). When we do not, he does not chase after us, but remains faithful to provide Support when we return to him (Luke 15:11-24).


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God created us with a free will to make wise choices for diet, exercise, lifestyle, and supplementation (DELS), and he also supports us for making those choices through our connection to his Resources in Creation, Community, and especially Christ. This is the meaning of “according to the Plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his Will” (Ephesians 1:11).


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God has ordained his scientific Law of Sowing and Reaping (Cause and Effect) to govern outcomes in our life (Galatians 6:7-9).


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Every choice we make, whether redemptive (healing) or reckless (harmful), supports us for making another choice just like it.


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God has provided support to us through the Holy Spirit and the Scripture, and especially through Christ (his Resurrected Life to live within our heart), for doing everything he calls us to do (John 15:5; 2 Peter 1:3) so that we do not become overburdened and broken (John 15:1-8; Matthew 11:28-30).


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Week 20


God has provided everything he wants us to have and has brought it to the door of our heart for us to receive - beginning with Christ.


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Vaccines and behavior modifications can help protect our health. But the foundation of our health is our experience of Christ.


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Our trust in the Blood/death of Christ on the cross for us and our experience of his Resurrected Life living within us secures our

  • justification (our freedom from God’s Judgment against us because of Adam’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden – Romans 5:12-19),
  • regeneration (our spiritual new birth into the family of God), and also
  • sanctification (the mental, emotional, and volitional healing of our heart).


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God does not pick and choose who among us goes to Heaven or who is healthy and happy, but promises health and happiness and eternal life to whoever receives his Provisions of Grace, beginning with Christ (the Wisdom of God - 2 Corinthians 1:31), who supports us for making wise choices that result in good outcomes consistent with his scientific Law of Sowing and Reaping (Galatians 6:7-9). See also Ephesians 1:19 and James 1:5-8.


“If you live according to the desires of your sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live” (Romans 8:13).


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The journey to recovered health and happiness begins with taking time each morning to read the Scripture in order to hear and experience Christ for support to make wise (redemptive) choices.


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The Christian life is hard only when we attempt to live it in our own strength.


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Our only hope to be like Christ is for him to live his Life in and through us - which he promises to do as we take time each day for quiet time worship in order to experience him.


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Week 19


We are recovered from brokenness and failure through our

  • confession of need and
  • commitment to following Christ.


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“Thanks be to God who gives us the victory (over fear, sadness, sinfulness, pain, and suffering) through (our surrender each day to make) Jesus Christ our Lord.” – 1 Corinthians 15:57


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God calls us to Holiness (purity and usefulness to him as a vessel for his Redemptive Work in the world).


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Happiness is the promised outcome of our purity and usefulness to God as a vessel for his Redemptive Work in the world.


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God provides support for our healing

  • through our connection to receive from his Resources (beginning with Christ per John 15:5 and 2 Peter 1:3),
  • to everyone,
  • without picking and choosing who is worthy (“finding fault” – James 1:5).


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During our Quiet-Time Worship to read the Scripture, we

  • confess our brokenness and need for God,
  • receive from him the flow of his Life into our heart to guide and support us for making wise decisions, and
  • trust him for the outcomes in our life according to as he has Promised.


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During our extended quiet time to patiently read the Scripture,

  • the Holy Spirit reveals Truth to our understanding, so that
  • we grieve because of our brokenness, but also rejoice because of God’s Goodness and Faithfulness to recover us.


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Week 18


Nothing that supports our health and happiness is missing from God’s Provisions of Grace.


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Good health is not

  • a reward from God because of our behavior to make him happy, or
  • because “he is in control” and produces outcomes in our life for sovereign reasons that are not for us to know, or
  • the result of astrological forces (our lucky stars, for example) over which we have no control,

but is the promised result of us making wise choices each day to connect to his Resources in Creation, Community, and Christ (per John 15:5) through which his Provisions of Grace flow into our life.


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God is in control in the sense that he predestined (pre-determined) in Eternity before the creation of the world that outcomes in our life would be governed (with merciful exceptions) by his Law of Sowing and Reaping (Cause and Effect).


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We can protect our health by social distancing and wearing a mask so that we do not put ourself at risk to harmful elements. But we best protect our health by making wise choices each day for diet, exercise, lifestyle behavior, and supplementation that increase our immune systems so that we do not become sick – which means, we do not really catch colds (sickness); rather, they catch us.


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God removes the outcome of our poor choices (the Scriptural meaning of forgiveness) when we have had a change of mind (the Scriptural meaning of repentance) so that we don’t continue to make those choices (the Scriptural meaning of conversion).


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To “glorify” God does not mean to applaud him as we would an authoritarian in order to stay out of trouble with him, or to make him happy with hopes of maybe receiving a reward; rather it means to manifest his Light (his Likeness produced in us by the Holy Spirit during our quiet-time worship) into a dark world – the same as the moon or a mirror reflects the light of the sun.


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More important than a booming economy (which can call us away from God and undermine good health) is a renewal of love for Christ in America’s churches and homes.


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Week 17


America’s greatest need is not for an economic recovery but for members of the Body of Christ, the Church, to be renewed by their experience of Christ during extended quiet time worship each day.


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God allows man, when he disregards God’s Provisions, to invent his own ways to manage his pain and suffering. But he also offers to us, for us to receive, everything we need so that we don’t become sick.


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Our experience of Christ is not mystical (positive thinking), but organic – the same as our benefit of an orange is not by just thinking positive about it but by eating it.


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We can research to know everything there is to know about an orange, admire its beauty, and write and talk about it to others, but still remain sick. Or we can take time each day to eat it in order to be supported for health by it.


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Wealth does not always support health but often enables us to make choices that barricade us from God.


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The god to whom the religious world pleads for relief from suffering is not the God of the Bible, but Satan, the god of this world (Ephesians 2:2) masquerading as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14), who has power (as God permits) to superficially relieve man of his pain.


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The foundation of our health and happiness is not the abundance of our possessions (according to James 1:9-11), but our experience of being renewed by Christ each day during our quiet-time worship in order to be supported for making wise choices for diet (food choices), exercise, lifestyle, and vitamin and mineral supplementation.


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Week 16


God’s Gift of Christ, his Blood/death on the cross for us and his Resurrected Life living within us, far outweighs in scope and power the evil that comes against us in a dark world (Romans 5:17-20).


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God allows adversity for the purpose of removing from our life what is not needed to support his Redemptive Plan.


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Everything God provides

  • is redemptive (supports health and happiness),
  • is built upon (provided through) Christ, the Rock (Matthew 7:24-27), and
  • has eternal value (cannot die).

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God provides 

  • food, water, and oxygen to support our physical health, 
  • leadership relationships in the home and Church to support our psychological (mental and emotional) health, and especially 
  • Christ, the Living Bread (our Daily Bread – Matthew 4:4) to live within our heart 
    • to support our experience of him (his Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, and Temperance - Galatians 5:22-23), and also
    • to support us for manifesting him (his Likeness) into a dark world (the meaning of “to glorify” him). 

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The life God provides for us on the Rock

  • is secured by our connection to his Abundant Provisions of Grace and
  • does not change in the storm (Matthew 7:24-27).

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God’s purpose for his Goodness to us is to

  • demonstrate his Care for us,
  • call us to receive his Plan for our life (Romans 2:4), and
  • support us for redemptive service to others (2 Corinthians 9:8).

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  • provides for our needs,
  • identifies for us his Resources (through which his Provisions flow into our life) in
    • Creation (elements in the soil and atmosphere),
    • Community (leadership relationships in the home and Church), and especially
    • Christ, and then
  • calls us by the Holy Spirit through the Scripture to receive them (Revelation 3:20).

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Week 15


Our experience to be renewed to a fuller measure each day by God’s Abundant Provisions of Grace, beginning with Christ, far outweighs in power the brokenness of our sin (Ephesians 3:19; 4:13; Romans 5:9-10, 15-17).


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America’s greatest need is not mostly for a good economy, or for conservative leadership in government, or even for its churches to be filled to overflow on Sunday, but for individual members of the Body of Christ, the Church, to take extended time each morning for Scripture reading, confession of brokenness and need, and personal quiet-time worship (per John 15:5) in order for our heart to be renewed to a fuller measure of the Resurrected Life of Christ to live within us and through us into a dark world.


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Adversity does not make us strong but moves us to seek Christ who does.


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God faithfully brings his Resources (Provisions of Grace) into our life, identifies them to us, and then calls us to open our heart to receive them - with the promise that we will never be disappointed with the outcomes they produce.


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God does not sit at a super computer imposing his Will, but supports us for making wise choices that set us free.


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Our experience of Christ living his Life within us each day (per John 15:5 and Revelation 3:20) fills us increasingly to the measure of the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19; 4:13), so that the adversity of our fallen sinful nature (Galatians 5:19-21), Satan, and the world do not prevail against us.


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Our life is useful and our work has eternal value as God lives his Life through us to accomplish his Redemptive Purpose in the world.


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Week 14


God continues faithful at all times to be who he is and to do what he does - to provide for us and to call us to receive him (his Provisions of Grace, especially Christ) - so that the outcomes in our life will always be exactly according to his Promises (Romans 8:28).


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God’s Provisions of Grace flow faithfully, fully, and freely to each one of us for us to receive, and far outweigh in power any adversity or brokenness in our life (Romans 5:15-17; 8:38-39).


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Sin is the choices we make that disregard God’s Provisions of Grace to meet our needs.


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Sin is not the choices we make that make us bad or God mad, but that make us sick.


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We are not separated from God because we are too sinful, but because we have not received his Provision of Christ’s Blood/death on the cross for our reconciliation.


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Sinful choices separate us from God; God uses the outcome of our sinful choices to call us back to him.


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We should not expect God to intervene to remove from our life the adversity he is using to call us to him.


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Week 13


Faith is conviction of Truth produced in us by the Holy Spirit through the Scripture concerning God’s Redemptive Plan for our salvation - physically, psychologically, and eternally.


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By his death on the cross, Jesus suffered in full God’s wrath against sin, and gives us opportunity to receive his Provisions of Grace to support our health and happiness and going to Heaven.


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God grieves because of our suffering, and has brought Provisions of Grace to the door of our heart for us to receive, beginning with Christ, to support our recovery.


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Wisdom is the Mind of God produced in us by Christ to support us for understanding Truth and for making wise choices.


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We can manage behavior, but only God can heal brokenness.


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We cannot really change people, but only support them to receive the One who can.


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We say with love what God gives us to say, kindly make it clear what we mean, and then trust him to make our words effectual seed to produce an outcome according to his Will.


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Week 12

Increased pestilences, danger, lawlessness, wickedness, earthquakes, and wars will foreshadow the days Christ said would exist as we approach the end of the Church Age (the Age of Grace), the Rapture, and the Second Coming. 


Our experience of the Heart of Christ living within us supports us to not be reckless and foolish (tempt God, his Law of Sowing and Reaping), but to make wise choices for our health and safety, and then to trust him for his protection and watchcare according to Psalm 138:7-8, 139:5, and Psalm 91:


“The LORD says, ‘Because he loves me (expressed by receiving God’s Provisions of Grace, beginning with Christ during our quiet-time worship per Revelation 3:20 and John 15:5), I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name (confesses and receives who I am). He will call upon me (receive my Provisions of Grace), and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation’” (Psalm 91:14-16).

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Disease is not punishment from God, but the result of us living in a broken world with a sinful body making unwise choices.


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God surrounds us with his Love and Care (“hems us in and holds us fast” – Psalm 139:5, 10), but he allows into our life the adverse outcomes we choose to expose ourself to (open the door of our life to), for the purpose of giving us opportunity to recognize our brokenness, his faithfulness, and our need for him.


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Christ alone is the Rock upon which we have opportunity to build our life, home, and business, so that, when the shaking comes to remove those things which are built upon the sand (have no redemptive or eternal value), when nothing will be left standing except that which cannot be shaken, the Rock and all that is founded upon him will remain (Matthew 7:24-27, Hebrews 12:27, Psalm 46, Psalm 91).


“For no other Foundation can be laid (to support health and happiness and eternal wellbeing) except Christ (his Blood/death on the cross for us and his Resurrected Life living within us” (I Corinthians 3:11).


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God created

  • our physical body with the capacity to respond to (be supported by) the nutritional elements we give it so that our biological needs are met, and
  • our heart (soul: mind, emotions, and will) with the capacity to respond to (be supported by) his leadership resources for our life in the home and Church, and especially by the Resurrected Life of Christ so that our information, affection, and decision-making needs are met, and
  • our spirit with the capacity to respond to (be made alive by) the Holy Spirit imparted to us when we trust his Gift of Christ’s Blood/death on the cross for us so that our eternal need is met (for going to Heaven). 

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Our experience of Christ to a fuller measure each day (during our quiet-time worship for reading the Scripture in order to hear God) renews us in 
faith and wisdom (conviction of Truth and the Mind of God), so that we are supported for making wise choices which increase us in health, and so that, to the one extreme, we are not arrogant, careless, and irresponsible, or, to the other extreme, fear-stricken, downcast and disheartened, holed up and paralyzed in our home under a bed.


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Week 11

Week 10


Week 9


God communicates Truth to us by the Holy Spirit through the Scripture and produces faith (conviction) in us to believe the Truth - this so that we are not left with only notions and human reasoning to guide us.


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When the Holy Spirit penetrates our heart with Truth, we both grieve and rejoice: Grieve because of our brokenness and the brokenness of others, and rejoice because no brokenness can prevail against the presence of God’s Provisions in our life to heal us.


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We can be filled with self (greed, fear, pride, and anger), worldliness, and even with the influences of darkness, but no power can prevail against our experience of being filled with the Spirit (Christ).


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Living in a broken world filled with broken people, we are subject to suffering and death. But where brokenness abounds, God’s Provisions of Grace much more abound in power for us to receive to bring healing and renewal (Romans 5:17, 20).


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God allows adversity into our life for the purpose of calling us to receive him (his Provisions of Grace), beginning with his Blood/death on the cross for us and his Resurrected Life to live within us.


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We are wise to isolate ourself from harmful elements in order to protect our health, but we are most wise to make choices (for diet, exercise, lifestyle, and supplementation) that increase our immunity, so that, no matter what comes against us, we are supported.


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Good outcomes in our life are the result of us including into our life each day God’s Provisions of Grace which produce those outcomes.


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Week 8


Asking God to intervene to circumvent the outcome of our unwise choices is like jumping off a tall building and pleading with God to intervene to keep us safe.


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Our experience to be filled with the Life of Christ living within us will not protect us from the attack against us of elements that cause sickness and disease, but will support us for making wise choices that increase our immune system.


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Christ is lifted up, not by our singing to him or applauding him, but by receiving his Provisions of Grace, beginning with his Blood/death on the cross for us and his Resurrected Life to live within us, and then commending him to others.


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God allows adversity into our life for the purpose of giving us the opportunity to

  • recognize our brokenness and need for him,
  • practice trusting him (receive his Provisions of Grace for our healing), and
  • experience the promised outcome he gives.


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The sowing and reaping (cause and effect) outcomes we suffer because of our unwise choices will in time run their course according to God’s Redemptive purpose for our life.


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Money can buy freedom to make choices that compound addictions. Christ, living his Life within us per John 15:5, empowers us to make choices that establish us in health.


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We can only lose in a storm what God did not give.


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Week 7


God does not remove the storms he uses to call us to him, but he does allow man to discover worldly ways to superficially circumvent the painful outcomes of their waywardness to an eventual ruin – the same as clueless ants cluster around the poisoned bait to their death and the death of their colony.


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Everything we have (all of our successes)

  • for which God in Heaven (not Satan, the god of this world) is the giver and explanation,
  • that establishes us in health and happiness, peace and joy,
  • that is built upon Christ the Rock,
  • that has eternal value,
  • which God uses to accomplishes his Redemptive purpose in the world,

cannot be shaken and will remain unchanged during the storm (Matthew 7:24-27).


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Everything that comes to us from God increases us in health and happiness. That’s how we know that what we have is from God.


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God’s Redemptive Purpose is accomplished in the life of everyone who remains connected to Christ per John 15:5 and far exceeds our worldly dreams and ambitions (Ephesians 3:20).


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“No other Foundation can be laid (to support health and happiness and eternal wellbeing) except Christ (his Blood/death on the cross for us and his Resurrected Life living within us).” - I Corinthians 3:11


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Motivation for religious performance can come from without – the call of religious leaders to please God and people; our experience of the Heart of Christ moves us from within to serve the redemptive needs of hurting people. 


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God has provided for us so that elements that would destroy us do not reign over us. This means, we do not catch colds until they catch us.


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Week 6


Our obedience to receive God’s Provisions of Grace into our life can have no other outcome but health and happiness (Romans 5:5).


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Good outcomes in our life (health and happiness) are not the result of God choosing to “bless” us because we have made him happy, or because of reasons we don’t know, except maybe that God is Sovereign and can do whatever he wants to do, but because we have been responsive to him to include his Provisions of Grace into our life per Romans 5:17.


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Christ died FOR our sins – “for” meaning in the sense of “in order to,” and not in the sense of “because of.” This means Christ died in order to satisfy God’s judgment against us because of Adam’s transgression in the Garden of Eden (not because of our specific sins) in order to make possible our reconciliation to God and regeneration (new birth) so that we could be saved (so that God could save us) from the brokenness and ruin of our sins.


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God sends us into the world, not as know-it-all’s, but as servant vessels through whom he communicates Truth to support others for learning how to experience him.


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The faith through which we have our needs met from God supports us to receive into our lives the Provisions of Grace he uses to meet those needs (Romans 5:17). That’s the meaning of “For by Grace (God’s Provisions) are we saved through Faith (obedience to receive his Provisions)” (Ephesians 2:8) and “Faith without works (obedience to receive) is dead (does not exist)” (James


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God did not create man in order to experience us, but in order to give us an opportunity to experience him.


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Everything God does in relationship to us is for the purpose of calling us to him.


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Week 5


Confrontation wins on the battlefield, but redemptive investment in the brokenness of hurting people wins hearts for Christ.


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Religion will drive children away, but sharing our experience of Christ with them will win their heart.


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God’s Provisions of Grace has power to prevail against the brokenness of our unmet needs.


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God’s Love, living in and through us, purifies and empowers our romantic love (eros) for our spouse, our storge love for our family, our phileo love for our neighbors, and especially our love for God’s Provisions of Grace, beginning with Christ.


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God created Adam with perfect health, but also with a free will to disregard God’s Plan for him which resulted in his spirit dying, and also his heart (soul: mind, emotions, and will) and body being infected with disease and death. But God’s Abundant Provisions of Grace far outweigh the power of the results of disobedience so that sin and death cannot prevail to reign over us (Romans 5:17).


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The Blood/death of Christ on the cross for us, effectual (particularly) for everyone who receives it (per John 1:12; Ephesians 1:19; 1 Timothy 4:10), has power to satisfy (cancel) and forgive (remove) God’s judgment against us (because of Adam’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden – Romans 5:12-19). The Resurrected Life of Christ, living within us, effectual (particularly) for everyone who remains connected to him (through quiet-time worship each day per John 15:5), has power to establish us in health and happiness (Romans 8:11; 2 Peter 1:3-4).


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The Work of the Holy Spirit is to unfold the meaning of Scripture to our mind (John 14:26; 16:13; 1 John 3:24) and to also give us conviction (faith) concerning it (Romans 10:17), so that we do not need to wonder if what we believe is Truth. “Mansplaining” is nonsense; so is “womansplaining.”


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Week 4


God is in a power relationship over us as a rule-giver, but mostly in a support relationship beneath us to support us for complying with his instructions. 


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Broken health is not the result of God’s punishment but the “sowing and reaping” outcome of our unwise choices.


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Our experience of Christ sets us free so that we are not left to live in bondage to our brokenness and pain.


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Our experience of Christ satisfies our desire for God, and also increases it.


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Good health is supported by the choices we make to exclude elements from our life that are harmful, but mostly by the choices we make to include elements in our life that are helpful.


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God’s Provisions of Grace, especially of Christ, is a Gift that, when received, has power to prevail in our life against any foe or adversity (Romans 5:15-17; Ephesians 1:19a).


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Week 3


Time does not heal, but we are healed in time by our willingness to receive God’s Provisions of Grace into our life each day.


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We are who we are until we are renewed by the Life of Christ living his Life within us to make us different.


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God’s Provisions of Grace meet our redemptive needs and also enable us to meet the redemptive needs of others.


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We wait on the Lord (Exodus 14:13) for his healing, and then go in his strength to serve the redemptive needs of others (Psalm 71:16).


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We do not chase after God’s approval but open our heart to receive his Support.


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God’s Love for us is expressed by giving; our love for him is expressed by receiving.


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We express God’s Love within us for the Resources he calls us to by receiving; we express his Love within us for those he calls us to serve by giving.


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Week 2


There is no brokenness that God (his Provisions of Grace) cannot heal, no burden he cannot lift, no sin he cannot forgive.


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In a broken world, filled with broken people, we are sustained in joy and peace by our experience of Christ each day.


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In the same way darkness cannot prevail against God’s Provision of light, and that hunger and thirst cannot prevail against God’s Provision of food and water, so also a broken heart and life cannot prevail against God’s Provision of Christ (his Love, Joy, and Peace) to live within us.


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God’s Redemptive Purpose is accomplished in the lives of those who receive his Provisions of Grace each day.


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God’s Provisions of Grace flow fully and freely to the door of our heart for us to receive. “What he has provided, we gather up” (Psalm 104:28).


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Health and happiness are the result, not of our success to make God happy, but of including his Provisions of Grace into our life each day.


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We don’t mind confessing our brokenness because in Christ, living his Life within us, we have a solution.


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Week 1


We are supported for good outcomes in our life (health and happiness) by God's Provisions of Grace – in Creation (elements in the soil and atmosphere), Community (relationship to leadership resources in the home and Church), and especially through Christ (his Blood/death on the cross for us and his Resurrected Life living within us).


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God is right now providing for the redemptive needs of our body, soul, and spirit – and is calling us by the Holy Spirit through the Scripture to receive the Support he offers.


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Every good thing we need to support us for health and happiness (God's Provisions of Grace - Romans 5:17) flows to us unconditionally from God (his Mercy) and is experienced by us through faith (confession of our need and obedient response to receive).


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God gives us opportunity to experience the outcome of our wrong choices in order to call us back to him.


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The person through whom God lives his Life to accomplish his Redemptive Purpose in the world will lack nothing that is essential to support health and happiness (Matthew 6:33).


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Our fallen sinful nature fights to hold on to a way of life in the world that barricades us from receiving God’s best for us.


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Obedience to God means mostly to “come and receive” from God before we “go and give” so that what we give is effectual to accomplish God’s Redemptive Plan in the world.


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The Grace Perspective is a supplement to the information provided during individual and group sessions.