Trusting for Grace to Press On
I trust you, Dear Father (your Mercy and Grace),
for shelter and needed supply;
I trust you to safeguard my life and my home,
for Watchcare of all you provide.
I trust you for Blessings (Support), or I die,
(Provisions to meet inborn needs);
I trust you (your Presence), Most Needed Supply,
free flowing for me to receive.
I give you my past and missed leadership needs,
confess broken values and deeds;
I trust you, Dear Healer, to make my life Whole,
for Healing of body and soul.
I trust you (your Timing) to fulfill your Plan
to transform (make Holy) my heart;
I trust you (your Promised Commitment to me)
to finish the Good Work you start.
I trust you (your Rhema, Truth spoken to me)
through Scripture to make known your Ways;
I trust you, Dear Teacher (Revealer of Truth),
to teach me the Message of Grace.
I trust you (your Wisdom, your Mind given me)
for making Wise Choices that heal;
I trust you (your Temp’rance) for staying the Course
to live out your Calling and Will.
I trust you with matters I don’t understand,
with outcomes I cannot control;
I trust you, Dear Father (your Faithful Right Hand),
to guide and support me to stand.
I trust you to open closed doors to sow Seed
Ways to meet needs);
I trust you (your Kindness) through me to give Care
(Support you give me freely share).
Opposed by dark forces, the world, and by self,
I trust you (your Life within me);
expended in Service to go and to give,
I hear your Call, “Come and receive!”
I trust you (your Death and Life’s Blood shed for me)
from Judgment on man sets me free;
(Your Life Resurrected and living in me)
renews me to manifest / glorify you.
(The Might of your Power at work within me)
supports me to run well the race;
(your Likeness, the Fruit of your Workmanship Grace)
enables my life for your use.
You give me your Heart so I can Love
myself, and a broken, lost world;
you give me Support to make my life
(Provisions of Grace to press on).
Don (Carole) Whisnant/2018