

God’s purpose for fasting is

  • not in order to please God or win his favor, or to demonstrate to him our sincerity, but
  • for the removal of activities (including entertainment, recreation, “charity” work, and even eating)
  • that hinder taking time for scheduled quiet-time worship
  • during which we experience the flow of Christ’s Life into our hearts (soul: mind, emotions, and will)
  • in order for us to be increased in his Likeness to fuller measure each day
  • for sanctification / holiness (usefulness to God for his Redemptive work in the world). 
Hindrances can be sinful behaviors but also the superficial and secondary choices we make. But they are not the sanctified choices we make (for healing). Also, the issue is not always the specific choices we make, but the time consumed doing them. Helpful Scriptures are Matthew 17:21 (and context) and Hebrews 12:1-3 (in the context of Hebrews 11).