A Primer on Sex, Eating, and Worship
Every one of God’s provisions is redemptive. This means they were given to establish us in health, and then ultimately to enable us in our service to others. This means also that God did not provide food, or sex, or even our experience of Christ just so we could feel good or be superficially comforted in our pain.
Explanation: God’s purpose for the husband (man and his seed) is redemptive: It is for him to serve as a resource to propagate/reproduce life. By his sowing into his wife and by her union/connection to him to receive his seed (in the act of sex), the woman is served by God to fulfill his calling and purpose for her life - that is, to bear children and for her and her husband to parent them.
The act of sex is a gift from God. He could have chosen a different plan, but was kind to ordain such a delightful way for his plan to be fulfilled. We cherish the gift. It was not intended to serve lustful desires, but rather the health needs of another. Only as it is experienced in the way God intended does it remain beautiful and meaningful, also enjoyable.
God’s purpose for providing food to us is also redemptive: It is to sow life into our bodies. By God’s sowing his life into the earth, and by our union/connection to receive the seed (the act of eating), we are served nutritionally to fulfill his calling and purpose for us in redemptive service to others.
The act of eating is a gift from God. He could have chosen a different plan, but was kind to ordain such a delightful way for his purpose to be fulfilled. We cherish the gift. It was not intended to serve our base, fallen appetites; instead, it was intended to support our health in behalf of others. Only as it is experienced in the way God intended does it remain redemptive and beneficial.
Also, God’s purpose for giving his Son was redemptive: It was for him to serve as a resource to which we have opportunity to connect (the act of worship) in order to receive enablement for living out God’s calling in redemptive service to others.
DonLoy Whisnant/TheGrace Perspective 10B23
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